
Ethnography Field Notes 4-6

Ethnography Entry 4

I have started to realize big changes in my essay writings. I used to write sentences that sounded a lot like the demos we now correct in class. I believe that the result of my growth is from the many activities we are required to do. Along with sentence structure, I have learned the importance of organization and accessibility to the reader. One good example of easy access would be linking. I used to not link because I did not know where to put it, but after taking the time to understand, I realized how helpful links can be to the audience the passage is intended for. 

Writing an essay used to be a task that I dreaded, but now I feel as if I have so many more useful things I can apply in order to achieve the point I am trying to convey. Although exercises have most definitely contributed to my success, I also feel as if my work environment had an impact too. I recently moved home for the holidays (I used to be in D.C., and now I am in Nebraska) and I have noticed my ambition drive is up. This could be the result of my parents driving me crazy, or the absence of my new college friends. Either way, the background in which I sit down to write an essay for sure has an effect on my outcome. In fact, I prefer to be in my living room at the desk, with no distractions. 

Ethnography Entry 5

Recently, this weekend in fact, I had to prepare a slideshow to present to my French class. I started fairly early on it, because I was nervous about speaking in front of my peers. I am in beginning French, so this was our first independent talking time alone. To prepare, I made a slideshow filled with pictures and aesthetically pleasing transitions to the eye. I noticed while creating this slideshow that I was aiming my sentences for the professor, with the intention that he would enjoy what I was talking about.This seems to be a common issue when completing homework, considering your grade is at stake.

My slideshow aimed to show off the beautiful Switzerland. Talking about its culture, habits, and food, this was not easy information to type in a different language. This reminds me of Anne Curzan’s writings, in which she made her opinion, English is not the superior language and should have rules that can be challenged,  evident through many of her personal experiences and writings. After beginning to learn a new language, I have found a new appreciation for it and all others as well. 

The response I was wishing for did indeed happen, as I think (fingers crossed) that I aced my presentation! Everyone in my class was nice and no one made fun of me. This gave me the confidence I needed in order to continue speaking and writing French. In any language that you write in, it is important to be confident, this gives you the power to write in your voice and to your best ability. 

Ethnography Entry 6

For my government class, we are required to write posts on a community app called “Yellowdig.” The goal is that you reach a certain amount of points each week while discussing current politics and engaging with your fellow peers. I wish to evaluate this process for my last observational piece.  

To begin, the intended audience is for my professor, classmates, and TA’s. These posts cannot just be nonsense, because then you will be embarrassed. I actually believe this is a great way to stay involved with what is happening, and it also allows students to learn to work together in groups better. The responses you get on each paragraph challenge you to rethink your ideas, as well as persuade others to think how you think.

The purpose of posting these is clearly to stay updated on the current politics happening. It is also relevant to see new perspectives and things you did not know of prior. I have found recently that I have been applying many different forms of writing I have learned in this class to my postings. By being clear and to the point, more people will want to read what I have to say, which is the purpose of writing it in the first place. I have also applied hyperlinks to my postings so others can view the articles I am referring to. By staying organized and giving the audience what they want (easier ways to understand the point I am trying to make) it is beneficial for everyone. 

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